Hebbville’s Village Commission is a volunteer group that represents the village within the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL). MODL is ultimately responsible for the majority of services, including taxation, roads, recreation, parks & trails, solid waste, building planning & permits and economic development.
Hebbville became a Village in the early 1970’s, under the Nova Scotia Municipal Government Act at the request of the residents. Having “Village” status allows residents a voice with all levels of Government through the Hebbville Village Commission. The Village Commissioners’ mandate is to represent the Village residents when interfacing with other government agencies and to monitor the well-being and needs of our Community.
The Village Commission meets on the second Wednesday of March, June, Sept and December.
The Village Commission meets on the second Wednesday of March, June, Sept and December at 7:00 pm at the Hebbville Fire Hall. The minutes of these meetings are available for public review.
The Village Commission prepares an annual report of its activities and financial status. The report is presented at the Annual General Meeting in June.
The Village Commission has a set of by-laws that govern its operations. These by-laws are reviewed and updated as needed.